
Cosmetic Acupuncture


  • Acupuncture is only one technique in the system of East Asian Medicine. Other techniques include herbal medicine, nutrition, exercise and massage. All of these modalities are based on a view of the human body that is different from our Western biomedical model which tended to look at systems in the body as separate. However, I think that Western medicine is now beginning to look at the interrelationship of systems too. Traditional East Asian Medicine diagnoses illness based on imbalances in the organ systems and aims to rebalance the body. In holistic medicine we look at the entire person and focus on treating the root causes of illness, not just symptoms.

    From a Western perspective, acupuncture has been shown to induce various physiological responses in the body such as a change in hormone and neurotransmitter levels i.e. lowering cortisol and increasing serotonin, improving blood cell counts, etc. In one MRI study, the stimulation of a point on the leg which is often used for eye problems was shown to cause activity in the optic area of the brain.

  • I have a very gentle needle technique. Most people don’t feel any pain when the needles are inserted and are actually surprised at how comfortable it is. Occasionally one may feel a light pinch when the needle is first inserted. Once the needle is in, there might be a tingling sensation or a feeling of distention around the point, sometimes extending to other parts of the body along the energy pathways. Acupuncture often brings a deep state of relaxation and over the mind and body.

  • My fee is $125 for the initial visit and $80 for each subsequent visit. The cost for cosmetic or microneedling treatments are different and listed on my price list.

    I am currently only taking new patients who self- pay at time of service or are covered with United Health Care insurance, VA - Veterans’s Administration, FSAs – Flexible Spending Accounts or HSAs- Health Savings Accounts.

    I am not accepting new patients with American Specialty Health and Kaiser.

  • I am currently only taking new patients who self- pay at time of service or are covered with United Health Care insurance, VA - Veterans’s Administration, FSAs – Flexible Spending Accounts or HSAs- Health Savings Accounts.

    I am not accepting new patients with American Specialty Health and Kaiser.

  • This is one of the most difficult questions to answer because it depends on many different factors. In general, the longer a person has had the condition, the longer it will take to treat. For most conditions, I recommend that person begin with 4-6 weekly visits. Many conditions will resolve within that time, and most others will show definite improvement.

  • The Initial Evaluation is usually an hour to an hour and 30 minutes. I normally also give you an acupuncture treatment in the first visit. The amount of time for your visit will vary depending on your current condition and health history. Subsequent acupuncture sessions are usually 50 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes in length.

  • If you feel like you are sick or "coming down with something" you should:

    Stay home to limit the spread of illness

    Cough into a tissue or elbow

    Call your health care provider if you have a fever higher than 100.4

    If you have an appointment scheduled PLEASE DO NOT COME TO MY OFFICE IF YOU FEEL THAT YOU ARE SICK OR COMING DOWN WITH SOMETHING. CONTACT A REGULAR MD. If you would like to have an online appointment or a phone conversation if you feel sick I’m happy to do so.Item description

  • Cosmetic Acupuncture is a non-surgical method of reducing the signs of the aging process on the face. Using localized painless needles in areas of the face to tighten and firm the facial muscles. This procedure stimulates collagen and elastin production, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, improves lymphatic drainage, and relieve jaw pain & clear sinuses.

  • Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that boosts collagen and revitalizes the skin. Microneedling involves introducing thousands of microchannels into the skin with small, sterilized needles. This stimulates your body to activate its own natural wound healing mechanism stimulating the production of collagen and elastin which rejuvenates your skin from the inside out.